Collecting Sparks

A Podcast about life - and other stories.

Collecting Sparks is the next step after Sarah Schill's previous and well received Podcast Wachstumsversuche / Growth attempts. For this new journey, Sarah connects with people who passionately create sparks in their own life - and share them with the world: Artists, storytellers, visionaries, activists, healers and more. If you find and like those sparks, don't hesitate to share!
The conversations are held either in German or English.

Collecting Sparks

Neueste Episoden

Tara Moraleda - The multidimensional life

Tara Moraleda - The multidimensional life

69m 34s

My guest is Tara Moraleda.

Tara is a meditation teacher, life-coach, astrologer, poet, artist, dancer, model – and much more. But above all, she’s a free spirit, that inspires her community on- and offline with her positive approach towards life, her sparkling personality and her sharings, that both feel easy and deep. What inspired me to lead this conversation is – apart from Tara’s work and vocation – the intense duality I feel about her. Tara seems like a mélange between an ancient soul that spend lifetimes alone in a cave, connecting to spirit and a young wild chick that...

Tanja Hirsch - Shattered dreams on white sand?

Tanja Hirsch - Shattered dreams on white sand?

79m 1s

Today’s guest is Tanja Hirsch.

Tanja and I spoke a bit more than two years ago, when she had just sold all of her stuff in Germany, to move to a small island in the South Pacific, she never had been to before. With nothing but a dream in her heart, she flew to Mo’orea and started to post pictures of the azur ocean, white beaches and palm trees. It seemed like the Happy Ever After. If you just dare to follow your dreams, you will be rewarded. Neither Tanja, nor her followers who loved to believe in this fairy...

Luzi Pods - Self-pleasure: Radikal frei!

Luzi Pods - Self-pleasure: Radikal frei!

52m 43s

Mein heutiger Gast ist Luzi Pods.

Luzi ist Somatic Sexologist und somatischer Coach, sie öffnet sexpositive Tempel-Räume und unterstützt hunderte von Menschen dabei, sich wieder mit ihrem Körper und ihrer Lust zu verbinden. Eines ihrer wichtigen tools dabei ist die self-pleasure Praxis. 2020 fing Luzis Weg damit an, indem sie über 120 Tage jeden Tag ein self-pleasure Ritual praktiziert hat. Was diese Zeit mit ihr gemacht hat und warum self-pleasure nichts mit Masturbation und schnellen Orgasmen zu tun hat, erzählt sie in unserem Gespräch. Wir sprechen über ihre Erinnerung an die Unbeschwertheit aus Kindertagen, wie diese ein jähes Ende fand...

Sophia Hembeck - How to validate yourself

Sophia Hembeck - How to validate yourself

57m 16s

My guest today is Sophia Hembeck. Sophia is a German born writer, visual artist and publisher, now located in Edinburgh. She studied playwriting at the University of Arts in Berlin, and also Performance Art and Scenic Writing. Sophia worked as a celebrated theatre director, created Graphic Novels and a successful Podcast, that was taken on by Audible. Through her own publishing house "Muser Letter Publishing", she released her two poetic memoirs “Things I Have Noticed” and “Things I Have Loved” and is currently working on the third book, to complete the Trilogy. Her Newsletter "The Muse Letter“ became a Substack-Bestseller...